(Courtesy) Mark London
* means not specified in simplified version.
# means specified in simplified version.
@ means specified in Goren's version.
! means not specified in Goren's version.
Count distribution points only when supporting partners suit.
A = 2 controls, K = 1 control
1. 1C: 16 or more, 15 with 5-5 or 14 with 6-5
a) NEGATIVE: 1D: 0-7 or (* Impossible negative(4441) 8 pts)
1) 1NT: 16-18 balanced
Pass: 0-6 balanced
2C: 6-7 stayman
! 2D: No major 16-17
! 2NT: No major 18
2D/2H/2S: 0-5 unbalanced, signoff
Jump to 3 of a suit: Impossible negative,
singleton in suit bid
2) 2NT: 19-21 balanced
3C: stayman or Impossible negative
3H/3S: 5 carder, forcing
3NT: sign off
4 of a suit: natural, long suit
5 of a minor: game, signoff
3) 3NT: 24-26 (#25-27)
4) Jump in a suit: 22, good 5 carder suit or freak hand with
9 winner. With 4441 bid lowest suit.
# Treat like strong 2 bid, min NT = negative response,
# raise shows some values.
min NT: 0-3 doubleton support
raise: 0-3, 3 card support
New suit: 4-7 min 4 carder (avoid with weak suit)
Jump raise: 4-7, 3 carder support
Jump new suit: Impossible negative
Jump NT: Impossible Negative in opener's suit
5) Non Jump in suit bid: 5 carder minor or 4 carder major.
With both, bid 4 card major unless very weak.
Pass: 0-4, 2 card support
Raise: 2-4, 3 card support
min NT: 5-7, no 5 carder
new suit: 5-7, 5 carder
Jump Raise: 5-7 4 card support
Jump new suit: Impossible negative
Jump NT: Impossible Negative in opener's suit
* b) CONSTRUCTIVE: 2H/2S: 4-7, 6 carder with 1 top honor
7 carder with J
* c) CONSTRUCTIVE: 3C/3D/3H/3S: 4-7, 7 carder or J to 8
After a CONSTRUCTIVE response
Pass: No chance of game
Game: sign off
2NT: suit fitting. asking for singleton
Rebid: no singleton
New suit: singleton
New suit: Forcing
Raise: 3 card support
new suit: 2 card or less, side values in suit bid
Rebid: minimum, no 3 card support
3NT: maximium, no 3 card support
Raise: Inviting
Pass: minimum
Game: maximum
d) POSITIVE: 1H/1S/2C/2D: 8 points, 5 carder. With 11 points or more
and at least 4 controls, jump at your next response (unless
you have a balanced hand and would go past 3NT).
Raise: TAB (see below) (#3+ card support min)
New suit: 5 card+
Responder bids as follows with 8-10 pts or 0-3 controls
raise: 3+ card support
New suit: 4+ cards, denies support
NT: denies support or good need suit
rebid suit: 6+ cards, prefer rebidding a major suit
to bidding or raising a minor suit
With 11+ pts and 4+ controls responder bids similarly,
but with a jump, but not if bid passes 3NT.
NT response: no 5 card suit (unless weak minor)
@ 2C: exactly 8 points, no unbid 4c or longer suit
New suit: 4+ cards
rebid suit: 6+ cards, prefer rebidding a major suit
to bidding or raising a minor suit
NT: Game forcing
Jump raise: 19-21 good support
Game: Signoff
New suit: Cue bid
Jump shift: Solid 6c or longer and 19+. May use AAB for
Raise: min
NT: min with some strength in all unbid suits
New suit: Cue bid
3NT: 16-18, no good 5+ card suit or 4c major, balanced
New suit: At least 5-5 distribution
4H/4S: 16, no good 5+ card suit, 3+ card support
e) POSITIVE: 1NT: 8-10 balanced
2C: Stayman
2D: no major
2H/2S: major
2D/2H/2S/3C: 5 carder suit
Raise: 3 card support
Show major or NT
2NT: invitational to game
Pass: minimum
3NT: maximum
3NT: sign off, 17-18 pts, balanced
Jump in a suit: min 19, 6 carder semi solid suit
4NT: invitational to 6 NT
Pass: minimum
6NT: maximum
f) POSITIVE: 2NT: 11-13 balanced or more than 15
3C: stayman
With greater than 15, respond:
4C with 4c C
4D with 4c D, no 4c C
4H with 4c H, maybe 4c S
4S with 4c S, no 4c H
3D/3H/3S: 5 carder
3NT: sign off
4C: Gerber
g) POSITIVE: 3NT: 14-15 balanced
4C: modified stayman asking responder to start bidding his
4 carder starting from lowest
# h) POSITIVE: 2H-3D Impossible negative(4441) 8 pts, singleton in suit bid.
a) After Double by opponents:
Pass: 0-7 with 4+ card C
1D: 0-7 with 3 or less card C
Redouble: 8 pts, two 4 card majors
Other calls: natural as without intervention
b) After an overcall up to 2S:
Pass: 0-4
double: 5-8 pts, no 5c suit
suit bid: 5-8 pts, 5c suit
jump suit bid: 5-8 pts, 6c+ suit
min NT: 9+, 5c+ suit, unbalanced
jump NT: 9-11 balanced, stopper in oppenent's suit
3NT over a 1 level overcall: 12-14, stopper in oppenent's suit
Cuebid: 9+ no good 5c suit, no stopper in oppenent's suit
NOTE: Many play 1NT over a 1 level overcall as normal 8-10 pt
balanced and stopper, and use cuebid instead.
b) After an overcall greater than 2S:
double: Penalty
3NT: 9-12, 1 good stopper
Suit: Good 5c+, probable game
Cuebid: Strong takeout
After a POSITIVE suit response,
Raise of that suit is TRUMP ASKING BID called TAB.
No top 3 honors: 1st step, 5+ carder
1 top honor=2nd step 5 carder
2 top honor=3rd step, 5 carder
1 top honor=4th step, 6 carder
2 top honors=5th step, 6 carder
3 top honor=6th step, 5+ carder
Jump shift=19pts, semi solid 6 carder with max 1 top honor missing
Cheapest NT: No top honor, no side Ace
single raise: top honor in openers suit, no side Ace
New Suit: No top honor, Ace is sut bid
Jump in new suit: Top honor in openers suit, side A in suit bid
Jump in NT: No top honor, 2 side Aces
Jump raise: Top honor, 2 side Aces
Ater opener has applied TAB or AAB, any suit bid is CONTROL ASKING BID
1st step: 3 or more low cards (No control)
2nd step: Doubleton or Q (3rd round control)
3rd step: Singleton or K (2nd round control)
4th step: void or Ace (1st round control)
5th step: AK or AQ (1st and 2nd round control)
Opener can then rebid the suit to find out if control is honor or
ruffing. (Goren omits this, but it was in original precision and is
included in other versions.) The replies are:
1st step: ruffing
2nd step: honor
TAB and CAB after intervening bid by opponents:
1st step: Double
2nd step: Pass
3rd step: next higher bid .......
2. 1D: 11-15, min. 2 carder diamond (@ 4 cards). With 11 hcp don't bid with
4333 or 4432 without a major, or if strength only in the short suits.
a) Pass: 0-7 (although you might bid with a max and long suit)
b) 1H/1S: 8-15, 4 carder. With both bid H first, with both 5 carder S 1st
Bid 4 card major even if you have longer minor.
Raise with 4 card support
bid S 4 carder over H
Rebid 6 carder
1NT balanced
bid 4 or 5 carder C minor
Jump raise with 4 card support
bid 4c+ good new suit above 2D
Jump rebid 6 carder
Jump to 3C with 5-5
Jump to 2NT
c) 1NT: 8-10 balanced
d) 2NT: 16+ balanced (# 11-13 balanced) responses:
3C unbalanced min
3D asks to show 4c major
3D balanced max
3NT balanced min
new suit unbalanced max
e) 3NT: 14-15 balance, 4 card major (# 14-16)
f) 2C: 11, C suit, no 4 card major
Opener to show point range and stopper in Major suits
11-13 14-15
NO stopper 2D 3C
H stopper 2H 3H
S stopper 2S 3S
H,S stopper 2NT 3NT
g) 2D: * 11-15, 4 card support, no major
Opener to show point range and stopper in Major suits same
as above except 3D at 11-13 no stopper
# 8-10, 4 card support, no major
h) Jump in a new suit, 16+ 4 card majo5 carder good suit
1) raise: min 3 carder support
2) 3NT: min balanced, 2 card support
3) New suit or 3D: min unbalanced, max doubleton support
4) 2NT: maximum balanced
3NT: balanced minimum
3C: unbalanced minimum
3D: balanced maximum
new suit: unbalanced max
i) 3D: * Pre-emptive, 5 card support
# 11-13, 4+ card support
Redouble: 11 or more
Other: natural as without intervention
Double at 2 level: one 4 card major
Double at 3 level: for penalties
Cue Bid: min 11, opener bids good 4c side suit
3. 1H/1S: 11-15 5 carder. Bid longer minor first unless weak hand.
Note: Goren specifies that game try bids are help asking bids in
precision, i.e. looking for support in that suit. More common is
game tries showing long suit, although they are very similar.
a) Pass: 0-7 no game, poor support
b) Single raise: 8-10, 3 card support
1) pass with minimum
2) new suit with max
c) Jump Raise: 11-13, 3 carder support (# Qxx or better)
d) Triple Raise: max 10 points, 14-15 with distribution, 4 carder
e) Double Jump in new suit: 11-15, 4 card suport void or singleton in suit
f) New suit without jump: 1S over 1H 8-15, 2 level response requires
11 (less with very good suit). 2H over 1S shows at least 5 cards.
Opener to show 11-13 or 14-15
11-13: (#11-14)
1) raise 3 card support
2) rebid 6 carder
3) min NT 5332
4) bid new suit, 4 carder at 2 level
5) Rebid 5 card suit
After any of the above, only the following bids by responder
are forcing:
1) Jump in new suit
2) new suit at 3 level
3) new suit after 2/1 response
4) Jump raise of opener's suits after 2/1
14-15: (#good 14 - 15)
1) Jump Responders major with 3 card suport
2) Jump in own good 6 carder
3) new suit (good, at least KQxx) at 3 level
4) Jump to 3NT
5) Raise Responders minor to 3 level with 3 card support
g) 1NT: 8-15 forcing, no good suit, no support
1) 11-13: Rebid own suit
Bid 2nd lower 4 carder
3 carder minor if necessary
2) 14-15: Bid 2nd higher suit at 2 level
raise to 2NT
Bid new good suit at 3 level
Jump rebid own 6 carder
h) 3NT: 14-15 points, good 3 card support (# 14-16, denies 3 card support)
i) Jump in new suit: 16 with good 5 carder
1) raise with 3 carder
2) poor support min NT
3) show good 4 carder with unbalanced hand
4) rebid 6 carder
j) Jump to 2NT: 16 points, 3 card support, no good 5 carder
(# 11-13 points, denies 3 card support)
a) After Double by opponents:
1) raise to 2,3,4: max 7 pts, preemptive
2) 1NT: 8-10, min 3 card support
3) 2NT: 11-13, min 3 card support
4) Redouble: 11 or more
5) Other calls: natural as without intervention
b) After an overcall
1) Raises=natural as without intervention
2) 1NT: 8-10, 1 stopper
3) 2NT: 11-12, 1 stopper
4) Cuebid: 11 points, good support
5) Double: holding 2nd 4 carder major
6) Other calls: natural as without intervention
4. 1NT: 13-15 balanced, may have 5 card minor
! Bid 1D with a bad 13-14 and VUL vs. NONVUL or 3rd seat and VUL.
! Bid 1D with both majors to make it easier to find a low level 4-4
! fit in a major, as if 1NT-2C-2H-2NT, you will be forced to bid
! S at the 3 level. Also, then the sequence 1NT-2C-2major-3minor can
! be bid as an invite to 3NT with a long minor without a 4 card major,
! as opener will not return to the other major thinking you have it.
a) Pass: 0-9 balanced
b) 2C: nonforcing stayman 8-11 or weak hand and short in C.
(# 10-11 or weak with long C, next bid 3C)
1) 2D: no major
2) 2H: H major (@ maybe S, see above)
3) 2S: S major
! A suit rebid by responder now shows at least 5
! cards. A minor suit rebid usually shows at least 6
! and does not guarantee a 4 card major, invite to 3NT.
c) 2D: 12 forcing stayman
1) show 4 card major, H first.
! 2NT asks to show 4+ card minor, or bid 3NT if none
2) 5 card minor
3) 2NT
! 3C asks to show shape:
! 3D=3343, 3H=2344, 3S=3244, 3NT=3334
d) 2H/2S/3C/3D: signoff, long suit no game
e) 3H/3S: 13, 5 carder.
! With 17 and minor suit strength bid 2D first to
! investigate minor suit slam if opener has 5 card suit
1) 3NT: max doubleton support
2) Raise: 3 card support min hand
3) Cuebid: 3 card support, max hand
f) 2NT: 10-11 balanced
g) 3NT: 12-17 balanced
h) 4NT: 18-19 balanced
i) 6NT: min 20, balanced
j) 4C: Gerber Ace asking
After Double:
Pass: asks opener to rescue himself
Redouble: 8 or more (@ 10)
2 level bid: 0-7 signoff (# 2C = stayman)
After Overcall:
Double: penalties
suit: sign off
cuebid: Game force Stayman
3H/3S: 5 card, game force
5. 2C: 11-15 6 cards or very good 5 cards with other 4 card suit (except
with singleton/void D in which case bid 2D).
! With a bad 6 carder, bid 1NT with 13-15 pts and 3-2-2 and stoppers in
! other suits. With a bad 6 carder, 3D, and 2-2 in majors, bid 1D.
! Don't bid a bad 6 carder otherwise unless you have < 2D.
a) Pass: 0-7
b) 2D: 11 pts, usually looking for 4-4 major fit, can be bid with less
points with C support and/or strength in the major.
2H/2S: side suit 4 or 5 carder
2NT: 6 carder C, 2 side suits stopped
3D: stoppers in suits
3H: H and D stopped
3S: S and D stopped
3NT: H and S stopped
3C: 6 carder C, 1 side suit stopped
3D: stopper in suit
3H: H stoped
3S S stopped
3NT: D stopped
3D: 6 carder C, 5 carder D
3H/3S: side suit
3NT: solid 6 carder C, no 4c major
4C: Broken 6 carder suit, highly unbal
c) 2H/2S: 8-10, 5 carder suit, not forcing
3C: Signoff
raise: invite
2NT: invite, poor support
d) 2NT: 11-12 balanced no major (# 11-13)
pass or 3C: minimum
3NT or new suit: Maximum
f) 3C: 8-10 points, 3 card support, no 5 card major, not forcing
Pass: 11-13
3NT: 14-15
g) 3D/3H/3S: 14 pts, 5 carder
11-13: Raise with 3 card support or 3NT
14-15: Cue bid Ace in the cheapest suit
h) 3NT: 14-16 balanced
a) After Double:
Redouble: 11 pts, penalize later
Other calls: as without intervention
b) After overcall at 2 level:
Double: No penalties, opener to bid major suit if any
@ 2NT: conventional, in replacement of original 2D relay
11-13: 3C
14-15: Cuebid in opponents suit, stopper
second suit: natural
c) After overcall at 3 level:
Double: for penalties
Other calls: natural
6. 2D: 11-14 4414 4405 3415 or 4315. Responder should ignore strength in D
suit (except for A) unless planning to play in NT. Opener should
discount singleton K or Q of D when opening with 11-12.
a) Pass: 0-10, 6 carder diamonds
b) 2H/2S/3C: 0-7 sign off
c) 3D; 11-13, semisolid 6 carder D
d) 3NT: 11-13, solid 6 carder D suit
e) 3H/3S: 5-7 points, 5 carder suit, no wasted value in D
Pass: minimum
4H/4S: maximum, void in D
f) 2NT: 8 points, opener to define his hand
3C: 3-4-1-5
3D: opener to define his hand
3H: minimum
3S: maximum
3D: 4-3-1-5
3H: opener to define his hand
3S: minimum
3NT: maximum
3H: 11-13, 4-4-1-4
3S: 14-15, 4-4-1-4
3NT: 14-15, 4-4-1-4 (D=K or A)
4C: 11-13 4-4-0-5
4D: 14-15 4-4-0-5
g) game: Signoff
a) After Major Overcall:
X: Penalty. Openers bids 3NT with 3 cards in suit, else pass
b) After X showing D:
XX: negative, 11 pts, game forcing
c) After D Overcall:
X: Penalty
New suit: not forcing
Cue bid: looking for controls
d) After X showing values:
XX: Long D suit
2H/S: weak hand, 4+ carder
If responder and RHO passes, opener bids:
XX: shows 4414
2H: 3415
2S: 4315
3C: 4405 min
3D: 4405 max
e) After pass through 3C response followed by an overcall,
opener must pass since partner's strength unknown.
f) After 2NT Response followed by a Major overcall
Pass with 3c C
X with 4c C
g) After 2NT Response followed by a D overcall
Pass: 4144
X: 4405
Major: shows 4 cards.
7. 2H/2S: 8-10 good 6 carder (# 5-10). Avoid with a 4c other major.
a) Pass: no game, no fit
b) Raise to 3 or 4: sign off
c) New suit: forcing
Raise: 3 card support
rebid own suit: forcing
d) 2NT: conventinal
opener bids suit with singleton or void
Rebid own suit
8. 2NT:22-23 balanced
Pass: 0-3 balanced
3C: 3 pts, stayman
3D: Jacoby transfer to 3H holding minimum 5 carder
3H: Jacoby transfer to 3S holding minimum 5 carder
After transfer is accepted, responder can then bid:
3NT: opener choses between 3NT and 4H
Game in major: 6 carder
new suit: cuebid and slam try
3NT: signoff, 4 pnts, no major, balanced
4C: Gerber Ace asking bid
4NT: Invitational to 6NT, 10 pts, no major
9. 3C/3D/3H/3S: 6-10, little side strength, penalty not more than 500 if dbled
Responder is master and bids according to his holding and
vulnerability as opener has already declared his winners
10. 3NT: 27-29 balanced
Goren recommends the following for defensive bidding, but it is not an
essential part of Precsion, so any overcall system can be used.
a) Simple suit Overcall: 11-15 pts, 5 carder, at least KQ
b) Jump suit overcall: Preemptive like original
c) 1NT: balanced 16-18 At least 1 stopper
2C: nonforcing stayman
2D:/2H/2S: signoff
2NT/3NT: natural
Jump in new suit below game: natural and forcing
d) Double: 13 pts, support in all other suits
suit: 0-7 pts
jump suit: 8-10 non forcing
1NT: 8-10 balanced, 1 stopper
Pass: solid 5 carder trump with KQJ10 or better asking
partner to lead trumps
f) Cuebid: 14 pts, two suiter 5-5
if responder does not bid one of the two suits, again cuebid
a) Double: balanced, same strength as openers NT
b) 2C: 5-5 minors
c) 2D: 5-5 majors
d) 2H/2S: natural, very good 6 carder suit
The above file contains a description of Precision based mainly on the version
described by Goren. Additional notes were obtained from other sources,
although all of the books were printed in the early 1970's, so styles might
have changed, and I would appreciate comments. Also, I have noted differences
between "standard" Precision and "simple" Precision, a form also published by
Wei. The major differences are using jump bids as negative impossible
response to 1C, omitting asking bids, omitting 1NT forcing over a 1 Major
opening and omitting Inverted Minors over 1D. I've noted where Goren differs
from the other sources, and have noted where I have included from other
sources. Precision has been expanded by many people. Many books cite the use
of Italian asking bids rather than CAB/TAB/AAB, and if there is interest in
them I may add that info at a later date.
Here are a few notes on specific areas which I would like to hear comments.
1C: Interference is common after 1C. I've read of much more complicated
methods for dealing with overcalls, i.e. having bids which convey number of
controls rather than natural bids, and wonder if that would be useful to add.
Also, how many people play it that 1nt over a 1 level overcall is 9+
unbalanced while 2nt is 9-11 bal? Goren specifies it, but then at the end of
the book notes that many experts don't play it that way, and other sources
similarly conflict on it.
1D: The Italian version mentions that 1D should be bid instead of 1NT with
4-4 in majors in order to make it easier to find low level major fits. This
makes a lot of sense to me, so I've added it, but I don't know how many people
actually follow it.
1NT: I've not added the use of Jacoby transfers because if they are used, the
whole response structure changes. If there is a system which is common with
Precision, I would be interested to know about it. All the systems I've found
for weak 1NT bids are fairly complicated in order to be able to handle the
wide range of possible responder's hands, and also be able to locate good fits
for possible slams.
Mark London